The scheme's main goal is the development and modernisation of the Cyprus manufacturing units through subsidised consultancy services. The consultancy services are provided by accredited to the Institute of Technology consultants, in the form of projects/studies, that deal directly with the development and technological upgrading of the Cyprus Manufacturing Industry.

The network of accredited consultants and other collaborators of the Institute of Technology comprise of scientists with specialised knowledge and experience that cover areas of strategic importance for the industrial sector. Studies are undertaken mainly in the following areas:

The scheme offers participating industrial units:
Mutual creative thinking and problem solving debates with the Institute of Technology concerning issues for improvement and development in various areas of each industrial unit.

The Industrial Restructuring Scheme has been operating since December 1992, and up to the end of the first half of 1996, 252 industrial units have applied to take part in the scheme. Thirteen of these companies have completed or are undertaking a second project, while five more have undertaken a third project under the Industrial Restructuring Scheme.

During the 3 ½ that the Scheme has been running, 48 companies have received the full subsidy allowed while another 68 have received the 30% subsidy for completion of their projects. Furthermore, up to June 1996 the Institute of Technology has granted subsidies that amount to CYP 175000.

Finally it must be noted that the Cyprus Government recently renewed the continuation of the Scheme until the end of 1998.

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