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Census of Establishments 1995, Volume III

The Department of Statistics and Research announces that it has published the third volume of the Census of Establishments "Occupational Structure of Employment". The report provides detailed data on the number of persons in each occupation and their distribution by status in employment (employees, employers and self-employed). Data are also provided on the number of persons working on a part-time basis. The data are broken down by economic activity, geographical area and sex.

2.The main findings of the third volume of the Census can be summarised as follows:

Status in Employment

The great majority of the workforce (85%) were employees, 11% self-employed, 3% were employers and contributing family workers accounted for only 1%. For males the percentages were higher in the employers and self-employed categories and lower in the employees and contributing family workers groups.

The proportion of employees was highest for the sector of Electricity, gas and water which consists solely of employees, followed by Mining and quarrying where employees accounted for 98% and Manufacturing where the proportion was 90%. As expected, self-employed persons had a higher representation in the sectors of Trade, restaurants and hotels and Transport, where they constituted 14%. Contributing family workers had its highest share (2,4%), in the sector of Trade, restaurants and hotels.

Occupational Structure

A significant increase in the occupational group of clerks, typists and cashiers, was recorded between the Censuses of 1989 and 1995. Significant increases were also recorded in the group of professionals (32%), in service workers (26%) and in the elementary occupations (23%).

A small increase of only 4% was observed in the group of craft workers and a small decrease of 1% in plant and machine operators which are due to the substantial drop experienced in the clothing and footwear industries in the last few years. In particular, textile product machine operators declined by 2400 persons between 1989 and 1995.

Service workers and salespersons is the most populous occupational group with 46.725 persons while managers constitute the smallest occupational group with only 5.620 persons.

Women have the majority share in the occupational groups of clerks and typists, where they account for two thirds of the total, and in elementary occupations with 53%. Women?s share is also significant in the category of the professionals where it constituted 46% of the total as well as in the service workers group with another 46%. The lowest share of women was recorded in the craft workers where they account for only 7% and in the managerial posts with just 12%.

Occupational structure by district

Looking at the occupational structure by district Lefkosia has a proportionally larger share in the groups of the managers, the professionals and the technicians with more than 50% of the total. This is due to the fact that Lefkosia is the centre of the public administration and of higher education institutions. On the other hand, Lefkosia had a lower share in the service workers group (32%), due to a comparatively smaller number of hotels and in elementary occupations (36%).

Lemesos district had a more balanced distribution in the various occupational groups with a somewhat higher share in the plant and machine operators.

Larnaka district had an appreciably lower percentage of managerial staff (9%) compared to its total share in employment which was 15%.

The districts of Ammochostos and Pafos being the main tourist destinations exhibited, a higher share in the service workers group as well as in the elementary occupations, while they both underscore in managerial staff.

Part-time employment

In the period July 1994-June 1995 20.762 persons on average were enumerated who worked on a part-time basis (for less than 30 hours per week) and 244.860 who worked full-time. Part-time employment rose at an astonishing rate of 8,0% per year compared with 2,9% for full-time workers between the Censuses of 1989 and 1995. A considerable proportion of part-time workers (45%) were women. Almost 41% of those in part-time employment were engaged in Community, social and personal services and 37% in Trade, restaurants and hotels.

3. The report is available from the Government Printing Office in Nicosia at the price of C £ 10,00.

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