1 The 1960 population figures for each town or community are taken from the 'Census of Population and Agriculture of 1960' (Printed by the Printing Office of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1962)
2 The place names used are those standardized by the Cyprus Permanent Committee for the Standardization of Geographical Names as they appear in the 'Concise Gazetteer of Cyprus' compiled by the Committee (Printed by the Printing Office of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1982).
3 The place names have been transliterated in the Roman alphabet using the following transliteration system which has been agreed jointly between the Cyprus and Hellenic Committees for the Standardization of Geographical Names as it appears in the 'Concise Gazetteer of Cyprus' of 1982 (Note: The table uses Greek fonts. In order to view it properly you need to have Greek fonts installed on your computer and must have configured your browser to use them):
Greek Characters or
their Combination

Transcription Remarks
Á, á a
ÁÉ, áé ai
ÁÕ, áõ av (1)
af (2)
Â, â v
Ã, ã g
ÃÃ, ãã ng
ÃÊ, ãê gk
ÃÎ, ãî nx
Ã×, ã÷ nch
Ä, ä d
Å, å e
ÅÉ, åé ei
ÅÕ, åõ ev (1)
ef (2)
Æ, æ z
Ç, ç i
ÇÕ, çõ iv (1)
if (1)
È, è th
É, é i
Ê, ê k
Ë, ë l
Ì, ì m
ÌÐ, ìð b (3)
mp (4) (5)
Í, í n
ÍÔ, íô nt
Î, î x
Ï, ï o
ÏÉ, ïé oi
ÏÕ, ïõ ou
Ð, ð p
Ñ, ñ r
Ó, ó, ò s
Ô, ô t
Õ, õ y
ÕÉ, õé yi
Ö, ö f
×, ÷ ch
Ø, ø ps
Ù, ù o


    (1) Before the consonants â, ã, ä, æ, ë, ì, í, ñ and before all vowels.
    (2) Before the consonants È, ê, î, ð, ó, ô, ö, ÷, ø.
    (3) At the beginning of a word.
    (4) In the middle of a word.
    (5) At the end of a word

4 The distances of each community from the nearest towns have been calculated from their respective UTM coordinates, as they appear in the 'Concize Gazetteer of Cyprus'.
5 Information as to the mean altitude and 1973 population of each town or community is taken from the encyclopedia: 'I Megali Kypriaki Egkyklopaidia'.
6 The names of the occupied churches and chapels that lie within the boundaries of each town and community are taken from the List of Occupied Churches by the Brutal Turkish Invasion prepared by the Byzantine Academy of Cyprus. The names were transliterated in the Roman alphabet using the transliteration system agreed jointly between the Cyprus and Hellenic Committees for the Standardization of Geographical Names.
7 The information as to the number of students of the Schools that operated in the occupied towns and communities before the Turkish Invasion of 1974 are taken from the official records of the Ministry of Education kept at the Cyprus State Archive. The information as to the number of Primary and Secondary schools that operated in each occupied town and community before the Turkish Invasion is taken from the official list prepared and distributed by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus.