Picture of Guest User
stop using real media
by Guest User - Thursday, 13 September 2007, 05:15 PM
  i have linux and there is a realplayer available for it, but it is a pain to install, and once installed, if i try to play your Greeklesson1.rm, i just get a dialog box which pops up frustratingly with the message,

"The content you are trying to play uses an audio codec that is obsolete and no longer supported. Please contact the content provider about using a supported codec."

it would be much easier if you just supplied the audio files in a format which is free and not encumbered by proprietary vendor restrictions or licensing (such as .mp3, or better yet, .ogg)..

this would increase your user base to include additional users of other systems besides Windows. the software for listening to .mp3 or .ogg files is free and readily available for all operating systems.

thank you.

Session Replace: Table './learngreek19b/sessions2' is marked as crashed and should be repaired