Picture of Guest User
Re: Can you help me?
by Guest User - Sunday, 30 November 2003, 06:11 AM
  I forgot when I first replied that you must have a computer
That being so there are two CD/ROMS which will be of help now and in the future
the first is Greek -Worldtalk published by EUROTALK e mail 10042.1701@COMPUSERVE.com [Make sure you get the elemantary one as the also publish an intermediate one ]They cost about £25 each but in my view they are excellently and very professionally produced
Second is the Anotek one called Read and Speak Greek e mail www.anotek.com This one is a complete course but it starts and YOU choose what you want .It is like having a Greek teacher in your house
It suffers two disadvantages
a.The cost is about £45
bThe illustrations and production are amateur
If anything is not clear come back