Picture of Greg Brush
Re: τόσος και όσος. What do they mean?
by Greg Brush - Tuesday, 13 December 2011, 01:36 PM
  Your English language analysis of όσος is getting in the way here. όσος is a relative adjective/pronoun, inflected for number and case (much like the adjective/pronouns ποιος and πόσος), and equivalent to English "as much" or "as many", as appropriate. When used as a pronoun, there will always be some implied noun that it stands for:

Όσοι τον ξέρουν καλά, τον φοβούνται. = As many as know him well, fear him. (All those who know him well, fear him.)
where masculine όσοι agrees with the implied masculine noun άνθρωποι: όσοι [άνθρωποι] = as many [people].

Όσες φορές πήγα, είχε δουλειά. = As many times as I went, he had work (All the times I went, he was busy.)

Πάρε όση τυρόπιτα θέλεις. = Take as much cheese pita as you want.
where feminine όση (not an adverb!) agrees with the feminine noun τυρόπιτα: όση τυρόπιτα = as much cheese pita

Φάε όσο θέλεις ή όσο μπορείς. = Eat as much as you wish or as much as you can.
where neuter όσο (again not an adverb!) agrees with the implied neuter noun φαγητό: όσο [φαγητό] = as much [food].

Όσος is often coupled with the inflected demonstrative adjective/pronoun τόσος "that much, that many". Here are some additional examples from Triantafyllidis:
Όσοι τον άκουσαν συμφώνησαν. = As many as listened to him agreed [with him].
Πήρε όσα χρειάστηκε. = He took as many as he needed.
Όσα δίνεις, τόσα παίρνεις. = As many as you give, that many you get. (You get only as much as you put out.)
Όσους ζητήσεις, τόσους και θα έχεις. = As many as you ask for, that many you will have.
Aπό όσους το άκουσαν κανένας δε βοήθησε = From as many as heard it no one helped. (Of all those who heard it, no one helped.)

Hope this helps,
Greg Brush