Picture of Guest User
Lesson layout
by Guest User - Monday, 13 July 2009, 01:36 PM

Would it be possible to colour-code the text within the lessons? E.g. Additional to placing the initials of Andreas (A) and Ellie (E) on the left-hand side of their commentary, assigning their own colours would help with clarity when attempting to listen, read and get your head around repeating the phrases.  Everything is in one colour, font and size, so it all merges into itself.  This was quite daunting, at first, until I'd repeated the lessons a few times over.

Apart form that, I applaud your efforts in promoting the Greek language. 


Picture of Greg Brush
Re: Lesson layout
by Greg Brush - Tuesday, 14 July 2009, 01:05 AM
  This is an interesting idea, and one that is not particularly difficult to implement, since it just involves a little additional manipulation of the HTML coding for each Lesson. In fact, I myself have wondered whether the unbroken plain text of the Lesson Notes is visually confusing or intimidating to beginning students.

However, I'm not quite sure exactly what you have in mind for the layout of the Lesson Notes. Are you suggesting, for example, that Andreas and Ellie (who speak only Greek throughout the LGO course) should each have their own separate color of text, so that anything spoken by either one will be immediately visually distinctive?

Perhaps you could flesh out your suggestion a little more so that I have a better idea of just what you're referring to. For example, you could cut-and-paste a section of Lesson text into your reply, then arrange and/or format the text with the available formatting options (e.g., bold, italic, font color, et al.) to give me a better visual idea of what you have in mind.

Greg Brush
Picture of Guest User
Re: Lesson layout
by Guest User - Sunday, 13 June 2010, 09:46 AM

Apologies for the very long delay in responding. 

As per my request, this is what I'm suggesting:

Α. Είμαι ο Αντρέας.

Ε. Είμαι η Έλλη.

Ν. What you've just heard means "I'm Andreas. I'm Ellie". Listen again.

Α. Είμαι ο Αντρέας.

Ε. Είμαι η Έλλη.

N. You have noticed that Andreas uses the sound "ο" before his name, ο Αντρέας, whilst Ellie uses the sound "η" before hers, η Έλλη. Ο and η are definite articles, ο for the masculine gender and η for the feminine gender. Allow me to introduce myself: Είμαι ο Νίκος Πετρίδης. Now, listeners, say who you are, beginning with είμαι, I am, and using ο before your name, if you are a man or a boy, and η if you are a woman or a girl. Remember: ο if you are a man or a boy, η if you're a woman or a girl. Ευχαριστώ -- thank you. There's a table here in front of me with a few objects on it. We'll start by giving you the names of these objects. Andreas is holding a book and Ellie is holding a pencil. Listen to what they're going to say:

Α. Αυτό είναι βιβλίο.

N. This is a book.

Α. Αυτό είναι βιβλίο.

Ε. Αυτό είναι μολύβι.

N. This is a pencil.

Ε. Αυτό είναι μολύβι.

N. Listen again and repeat after them.

Α. Αυτό είναι βιβλίο. Ναι, (yes) αυτό είναι βιβλίο

Blue = Andreas

Red = Ellie

General dialogue = black

I've also colour-coded the masculine and feminine forms in the general dialogue, but thinking about it, I'm not sure it adds value, although doing so does emphasise the relationship of ο and η in context.

Anything you could do, would be an enormous help.  In my absence from your website, I've learnt some basic phrases, but really need to move on to something a little more structured, which your courses offer in abundance.



Picture of Louise  Leahy
Re: Lesson layout
by Louise Leahy - Friday, 10 August 2012, 11:15 AM

Another suggestion to differentiate between speakers would be to use italics alternativelyh. Just a suggestion!

- Louise
Picture of Guest User
Re: Lesson layout
by Guest User - Wednesday, 29 July 2009, 04:35 PM

#1 I am so excited I happened upon this site and did the first six lesson's yesterday! This has been the best site so far I have utilized. 

I definitely agree with the suggestion to color-code to make a distinction between who is talking.  It would make it a little easier to follow and less of a strain on the eyes!  Even though I already know the alphabet and can follow along pretty easy, I had a bit of a headache by the time I was done trying to focus so much as it all sort of blended together.  I can't imagine what it would be like for someone who is just starting and doesn't have much of a jump on reading Greek, including knowing the alphabet.  I would think it would be twice as difficult to follow along.  You could do the man in blue, the woman in red, and keep the narrative in black.  However, whether you change it or not I will continue to use the site.  Thank you so much for putting it together. 

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