Radio Lesson and text.
by Richard Bowers - Tuesday, 12 February 2013, 01:18 PM

I enjoy your course, so I did donate the $20 to help with the upkeep of your site. However, I do have a suggestion. If there is any way you can allow a student to listen to the course audio while following the notes, this would be extremely beneficial. As it stands now, one can only do one or the other.

Rick Bowers

Hulaco, Alabama, USA.

Picture of Juergen Kraus
Re: Radio Lesson and text.
by Juergen Kraus - Wednesday, 13 February 2013, 07:48 AM
  Hi Richard,  you could listen and read when you either print the lesson ( which I have done )or by copying the lesson into a file which you can open and look at while listening. But I found out that I concentrate too much on reading. I is essential to listen first and try to unterstand in order to "dive" into the glossa. As I am German I translated the lessons into German. And I always finish a lesson by retranslating.
Good luck
Re: Radio Lesson and text.
by Richard Bowers - Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 08:08 PM

Viele Dank Jürgen (ich auch spriche nur ein bischern Deutsch.)

Auf Wiedersehen.

Picture of Greg Brush
Re: Radio Lesson and text.
by Greg Brush - Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 11:53 AM
  You can also open a second tab with any contemporary browser and have the notes on one page while listening to the streaming audio on the other.

For a little more about this, see "A dumb question" in Discussion Forum 1.

Greg Brush
Re: Radio Lesson and text.
by Richard Bowers - Wednesday, 27 March 2013, 08:08 PM


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