Picture of Georgia Kline
Participant profile
by Georgia Kline - Wednesday, 24 November 2004, 03:39 PM
  I remember being able to see a little snapshot about any participant, now it seems that you can no longer find out about anyone. It was fun reading a little bit about a person and not just their comments.
Picture of Guest User
Re: Participant profile
by Guest User - Friday, 7 January 2005, 06:03 PM
  I found that if you are looking at the discussion forum for a lesson, you can get a profile for someone that has contributed to that lesson.
But strangely, if you are looking at the discussion forum for 'technical questions' you can't get any details. I get a message saying that you are not allowed to view the participant's details (it can be the same participant).
Of course, some people (like me) have a very very short profile - just their name.
Picture of Georgia Kline
Re: Participant profile
by Georgia Kline - Tuesday, 18 January 2005, 11:05 AM
  I've noticed that the site seems to be selective when and if you can view profiles. Sometimes it will let you and other times, you go to the same route and you get denied.

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