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Alastos, D. Cyprus in history: A survey of 5000 years. London:
        Zeno, 1976.
Bannerman, David A. & Bannerman W. Mary. Birds of Cyprus. Edinburgh:
        Oliver & Boyd, 1958.
Castel, W. T. F. Cyprus 1353-1986: History, postal history and
        postage stamps. London: Christie's Robson Lowe, 1987.
Cobham, Claude D. Excerpta Cypria: Materials for a history of
        Cyprus. Cambridge: The University Press, 1908. (Millwood, NY:
        Kraus Reprint, 1986).
Epetiris tou Kentrou Epistimonikon Erevnon. (Annual of the Cyprus
        Research Center.) Nicosia: Cyprus Research Centre, 1967-.
Hackett, John. A history of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus. London:
        Methuen, 1901.
Hill, G. A history of Cyprus. 4 Vols. Cambridge: Cambridge
        University Press, 1940-52.
Hunt, David. ed. Footprints in Cyprus: An illustrated history.
        London: Trigraph, 1990.
Kornrumpf, Hans-Jurgen & Kornrumpf, Jutta. An historical gazetteer
        of Cyprus (1850-1987) with notes on population. Frankfurt am
        Main: P. Lang, 1990.
Kypriakai Spoudai. (Cyprus Studies.) Nicosia: Society of Cypriot
        Studies. 1937-. Annual.
Kyrris, C. P. History of Cyprus: With an introduction to the
        geography of Cyprus. Nicosia: Proodos, 1985.
Lee, Michael & Lee, Hanka. Cyprus. Newton Abbot: David & Charles,
Maier, Franz Georg. Cyprus: From earliest time to the present day. London:
        Elek Books, 1968.
Newman, Philip. A short history of Cyprus. London: Longmans, Green,
Panteli, Stavros, A new history of Cyprus, from the earliest times
        to the present day. London: East-West Publications, 1984.
_____. A historical dictionary of Cyprus. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow
        Press, 1995.
Papadopoullos, T. & Christodoulou, M. eds. Praktika tou protou
        diethnous Kypriologikou synedriou: Nicosia, 14-19 Apriliou
        1969. (Proceedings of the first international congress of
        Cypriot studies.) 4 Vols. Nicosia: Nicosia Press, 1972-73.
______. Praktika tou defterou diethnous Kypriologikou synedriou.
        (Proceedings of the second international congress of Cypriot
        studies.) 3 Vols. Nicosia: Society of Cypriot Studies, 1985-
Purcell, Hugh D. Cyprus. New York: Praeger, 1969.
Rice, David Talbot. The icons of Cyprus. London: Allen & Unwin,
Storrs, R. A chronology of Cyprus. Nicosia: Government Printing
        Office, 1930.
Stylianou, Andreas & Stylianou, Judith, A. The history of the
        cartography of Cyprus. Nicosia: Cyprus Research Center, 1980.
_____. The painted churches of Cyprus. London: Trigraph, 1985.
Spyridakis, C. A brief history of Cyprus. Nicosia: Zavallis Press,
Thirgood, J. K. Cyprus: A chronicle of it's forests, land, and
        people. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1987.
Vryonis, Speros Jr. ed. Cyprus between East and West. A political
        and moral dilemma: The Past as prologue to the present. [A
        conference held in New York City on November 16-17, 1991.]
        Herakleion, Crete: Crete University Press, 1994.

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