the exact translation is PISTA DIKOS (male) DIKH (fem) SOU, PANDA
Now, the best translation depends a bit on the context.
If it is to a friend then something like "O PANDA PISTOS/H PANDA PISTH SOY FILOS/FILH" (your always faithful friend)
or "O FILOS/H FILH SOY GIA PANDA" (your friend for always)
or "O PISTOS OPWS PANDA FILOS SOY" (your faithful , as always, friend)
for a boyfriend/girlfriend
"gia panda DIKOS/DIKH SOY (yours for always)"
" >>>>>> opws panda (as always)"
" """" , panda (yours, always)"
I'd go with
your friend for always
gia panda dikos/dikh sou
but that's a matter of preference (up to a point)  |