Picture of Guest User
english derivatives
by Guest User - Tuesday, 15 August 2006, 07:06 AM
  i've been trying for ages now and just can't find any for these words, if anyone knows any please help...

adelfous - which means brothers

paidas - which means children

need to find the english derivatives from these words, i woudl be grateful for any help


Picture of Guest User
Re: english derivatives
by Guest User - Tuesday, 15 August 2006, 03:53 PM
  finally i have found some derivatives for adelfous, but i am still unable to find any for paidas, if there is any i would appreciate any help in finding them.

Picture of Greg Brush
Re: english derivatives
by Greg Brush - Tuesday, 15 August 2006, 06:37 PM
  adelphous (from adelphos):
Philadelphia (city of "brotherly love")

paidas (from pais):
pedagogic, pedagogical
pederast, pederasty

Greg Brush
Picture of Guest User
Re: english derivatives
by Guest User - Tuesday, 15 August 2006, 06:36 PM
  thanks very much Greg, you've been a great help, i can't believe i missed all those from paidas or pais. once again thanks very much
Picture of Robert Jones
Re: english derivatives
by Robert Jones - Saturday, 6 December 2014, 08:58 PM
  Or.. Paediatrics, [2 there,παιδιά and γιατρός], English [correct] spelling lol, purist here. Colour, theatre, κτλ... Oh that George 111 why did he.....

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