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Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Saturday, 9 September 2006, 04:55 AM

does anyone know whether the lessons on this site and in most phrase/text books are similar to the Greek Cypriot language. I know they are mainly based on the Modern Greek language in Greece (formal) and wondered what the main differences and similarities are between them is (Greece Greek and Cyprus Greek language)?

Thank you,

Jenny smile
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Re: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Wednesday, 9 May 2007, 12:17 PM
  There is a slight difference between the two. My family are greek cypriot and it is sometimes hard to understand people in Greece as their words are some what different to cypriot
Picture of Guest User
Re: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Thursday, 17 May 2007, 10:56 AM
  I think all lessons are based on Standard Modern Greek. You have to learn it that way if you plan on using books, etc. If you learn Greek well, you will have no trouble adapting to Cypriot Greek if you are exposed to it for a while. That is, it's not that different (mostly pronunciation and some vocab) that it merits learning Cypriot Greek as separate (as it would be for learning Egyptian Arabic instead of Modern Standard Arabic or something).

This is just my opinion...
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Απάντηση: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Wednesday, 25 July 2007, 11:45 PM
  Cyrpiot is not actually a WRITTEN LANGUAGE. so, I will explain some differences between them

in Greece we say:
Esu Agapas

In Cyprus they say:
Esouni Agapaeis.

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Re: Απάντηση: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Friday, 29 August 2008, 07:20 PM

Cypriot Greek is not a language,it is a Greek dialect.The Cypriot dialect itself is divided into other subgroups,and it is not spoken the same way all over the island,but has regional differences.The most prominent regional Cypriot dialects are those of Paphos,Kokkinochoria,Mountain areas,Nicosia,and Morphou.

 Almost nobody uses the word esouni anymore but the standard Greek esi.

In Greek Cypriot we never say agapaeis,we say agapas.

Picture of Guest User
Re: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Saturday, 4 August 2007, 04:44 PM
  You can also think of Cypriot Greek as somewhat of a dialect of that spoken in Greece. In some ways it is similar to differences you might find between Northern Englanders-Londoners, Canadians/Americans in the Southern States, or other places such as these.

Several Cypriots have described their language to me as being more "village-like" than what's spoken in Greece. I was only made aware of a few differences (such as Greeks sounding out "Oxi", versus Cypriots commonly speaking it to sound like "Oi"), but I suppose I'll notice more as I continue to learn.

Does anyone else agree or disagree with what I said?
Picture of Guest User
Re: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Monday, 6 August 2007, 02:41 PM
  Here is some information on it that looks pretty accurate from what I know:


Cypriots pronounce "x" like "s" or "sh", so it sounds like "oshi"

Also, "k" is like "ch", so they say "chai" for "and." They do this is Crete, too. People say "o-che" (for okay in Crete, to be cute, but it's based on the dialect).

Also, word order. "(He) told me" in cypriot is "Είπεν μου" instead of standard modern Greek "μου είπε" (got this from wikipedia, but it's right).

Also: The verb is: ένι and εν is used instead of είναι (Modern Greek).(e.g. εν καλά = είναι καλά "she is well").

Also, εν is can be like the Standard Greek δεν, in front of a verb (e.g. εν πειράζει = δεν πειράζει "it doesn't matter"),

Picture of Guest User
Re: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Wednesday, 2 April 2008, 01:18 AM

I live in Cyprus and have been trying to compile a list of Cypriot Dialect words as opposed to Greek, here's what I've found so far, can anyone add to it?

Word in Cypriot (Greek Lettering)/ Word in English/ Origins/ Meaning

Άππαρος Aparos Medieval Greek Horse
Αρτιρώ Artiro Turkish Left-over/Increase bid
Βαζάνια Vazania Arabic Eggplant
Βάρτιτζια Vartija Arabic White figs, red on the inside
Βλαντξίν/Φλαντξίν Vlanjin/Flanjin Old French Lungs
Βούρκα Vourka Turkish Leather back pack
Ζάβαλλιν Zavallin Turkish Oh Poor Man!
Ζαττίν Zattin Turkish Either way
Ζορλής Zorlis Turkish A Difficult person
Ζούρα Zoura Italian Grime
Καραόλος Karaolos Venetian Snail
Καρκόλα Karkola Italian Bed
Κατσέλλα Katsella Arabic Cow
Κκελλέ Kelle Turkish Head
Κοπέλλιν/α Kopelli/a Italian Boy/Girl
Κόρτα Korta Latin Piece
Κουβέλλα Kouvella Latin Female Sheep
Κουρτέλλα Kourtella Venetian Knife/Blade
Λάσσω Lasso Medieval Greek Dog Bark
Λόττα Lotta Latin Pig
Λούντζα Lountza Italian Smoked pork
Μάντξιπας Manjibas Latin Baker
Μάτσα Matsa Venetian Bunch/Bundle
Ματσούκα Matsouka Latin Shepherds Staff
Μουτσούνα Moutsouna Italian Face
Μπουκκώννω Mboukono Latin Snack
Παναϋριν Panairin Turkish Festival/Feast day
Παττίχα Batiha Arabic Watermelon
Πελλετώ Belleto Turkish Observe
Πελλός Bellos Medieval Greek Crazy/Idiot
Πετσέττα Betsetta Itallian Napkin/Kitchen Towel
Πλαζίριν Plazirin French Grateful/Thankful
Ππουνιά Pounia Venetian Hit
Πομυλόρι Bomilori Italian Tomato
Πότσα Botsa Italian Jug
Πουρνέλλα Pournella French/Italian Plum/Prune
Πράτσο Pratso Venetian Measurement with Cloth
Πρόκκος Brokkos Italian Signal to start a game
Πρότσα Protsa French Fork
Ρεζίλιν Rezilin Turkish Embarrassment
Ρέμπελος Rembelos Venetian Bad character
Ροτσιά Rocca Italian Hit
Σαγιά Sagia French Long Dress/Priests Garb
Σιόρ Sior Venetian Sir
Σκαρπάρης Skarparis Venetian Shoemaker
Στετέ Stede Turkish Grandmother
Τάβλα Tavla Latin Slab
Τίτσιρο Titsiro Italian Naked
Τουρτουρώ Tourtouro Medieval Greek Freezing
Ταβλίν Tavlin Latin Table with Food
Τζαμούζα Jamouza Turkish Cow that gives much milk
Τσαέρα Tsa-era Old French Chair
Τσάκρα Tsakra French Trap
Τσάμπρα Tsambra French Chamber
Τσαττάλιν Tsatallin Turkish Pants
Φανέλλα Fanella Italian Vest or T-Shirt
Φάουσα Faousa Medieval Greek Someone who talks to much
Φκιόρο Fkioro Italian Flower
Φλόκκο Flokko Italian Tassel, mop
Φουστάνι Foustani Italian Dress
Χαϊριν Ha-irin Turkish Suitable
Χαλλούμι Halloumi Arabic Cypriot cheese, usually salty
Χαπάριν Habarin Turkish Discover/Realise/Notice

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Re: Greek Cypriot Language
by Guest User - Friday, 29 August 2008, 07:25 PM
  This is generalizing.In Greece it self,there are regional dialects as well.Actually,in the village of Archangelos on the island of Rhodes,people speak almost the same as the people of Paphos in Cyprus.