Picture of Mike Heal (Μάικ)
Revision of LGO Verbs in a BYKI List
by Mike Heal (Μάικ) - Monday, 6 October 2008, 01:45 AM
I have created a BYKI list of nearly all of the verbs (in present tense form) used throughout the LGO course, as a form of revision for myself. I thought that it might be useful to others wishing to revise, so I am posting it here. I hope that neither LGO or the CYBC will object to me having 'recorded' the narrators pronouncing these verbs, as I have found it a very valuable learning aid, and I am in no way profiting from this. But if this does break any copyright then I apologise in advance, and this post can be removed.

For the benefit of anyone unfamiliar with BYKI, it is a flash card learning system that can be downloaded free from www.BYKI.com (the Lite version is free and comes with about 20 Greek lists of words, it is not a limited period trial version that will expire. It also allows you to import lists created by others, like this one! The deluxe version comes with about 90 lists of words and allows you to create your own too).

About my list:
1. Firstly, whilst every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained within it is correct, I am only a student here, myself (and far from perfect!). So if you do find any mistakes, please let me know and I'll do my best to correct them and update it.

2. For the sake of uniformity, wherever possible the verbs are all shown in the first person singular, even if this is not a form commonly used.

3. Where the above was not possible, the remaining verbs are all shown in the third person singular. To save time and space, all third person verbs have been translated only as 'It', but obviously could be 'He or She' as well in most cases.

4. For some of the Greek verbs, I have provided alternative spellings that I know of. But I'm sure this section is far from exhaustive! Where two (or more) Greek spellings are offered, the one that appears first on the list, is the version that is actually being pronounced, even if this is perhaps not the most common one.

5. For the English translation, I have tried to be as thorough as possible within the space allowed. As most Greek verbs tend to cover two or three English equivalents (or many more, 'κρατώ' and 'χτυπώ' spring to mind!), this presents a problem when using the "Know It" section of the program, which requires you to match the text exactly (this would be nigh impossible, and rather pointless anyway, in this case), the best way around this is, for the first time you use this mode decide if your answer is correct, and if it is, tick the "Use as alternative answer" box and from then on it will accept that as well.

I apologise for the variations in the volume level of recorded sound, but it was becoming too time consuming adjusting it between every single lesson. Hopefully you will find a suitable average, the main purpose of this was to revise the sound of the words, which I believe it does well. Sorry for the long post too, but I thought it better to try and answer as many questions as possible in advance. I hope other people find this beneficial too and I would love them to post any comments here, as I will be working on a past tense version next.

Best wishes

EDIT: After all that, the file size is too large to upload here! It can be found and downloaded for free (with some others) at 'List Central' on the BYKI site: http://www.byki.com/categorysearch.plex?/Category/Greek/a
or if I haven't completely lost your interest already I can e-mail a copy (in .rar format) to anyone who wants.

[originally posted Thursday, 26 June 2008, 09:07 AM]

Picture of Moises Perez
Re: Revision of LGO Verbs in a BYKI List
by Moises Perez - Saturday, 11 July 2015, 08:09 PM
  Hi Mike,

I am trying to learn Greek by my own too, so I think what you did will help me a lot. Can you send it to me via email, please? my email address is moisesenoc@hotmail.com
Picture of Greg Brush
Re: Revision of LGO Verbs in a BYKI List
by Greg Brush - Sunday, 12 July 2015, 02:53 PM
  Because Mike's uncompressed text-with-sound BYKI file far exceeds the limit for a Forum attachment, the attached .rtf file has the text of Mike's BYKI list in a slightly edited text-alone format.

And here's a direct link to Mike's BYKI page:
where you can listen to Mike's list and test your knowledge of the verbs presented in the LGO course.

To install the BYKI program itself on your computer in order to use a BYKI list offline, go to the "Download This List" section at the upper left side of the page and, depending on your type of computer, click either the Windows or Apple (MacOS) button and save the resulting installer file. Then run the installer to download and install the necessary components .
To download his BYKI list alone, click the .b4u button.
Picture of Biggles The Cat
Re: Revision of LGO Verbs in a BYKI List
by Biggles The Cat - Wednesday, 15 July 2015, 10:15 PM
  Thanks for sharing the rtf file, Greg.

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