Picture of Nick Savchenko
αλλα και
by Nick Savchenko - Sunday, 10 November 2013, 07:13 PM

I frequently encounter phrases with "αλλα και" in greek texts, like:

"... να εξασκούμαστε στην αγάπη αλλα και στην υπομονή"

How should I understand them? I thought that the correct translation is "... that we train ourselves not only in love but also in patience", is that correct?
Picture of Greg Brush
Re: αλλα και
by Greg Brush - Monday, 11 November 2013, 11:38 AM
  αλλά και generally means "as well as" or "but also in addition".

So yes:
... να εξασκούμαστε στην αγάπη αλλά και στην υπομονή = ... that we train ourselves not only in love but also in patience.
... that we train ourselves in love as well as in patience.

Greg Brush
Picture of Nick Savchenko
Re: αλλα και
by Nick Savchenko - Tuesday, 12 November 2013, 03:28 AM
  Thank you Greg!
Picture of Yiannis Koniaris
Nick it depends on the context.
by Yiannis Koniaris - Wednesday, 25 December 2013, 02:59 AM
  Therefore I am give two examples in pure Greek. A first translation is followed after sentence. Keep in mind that translating word by word sometimes is impossible. D. Stavropoulos (Oxford's English <-> Greek dictionary author) suggests to give a context for a word or for an expression which has wide usage.


Αλλά = but
και = and

1) Η Άννα είναι κακό αλλά και καλό κορίτσι.
Anna is a bad girl but she is also good.

2) Πρέπει να αγαπάμε αλλά και να βοηθάμε τους ανθρώπους.
We should love and help people (or must could say although it is a strict obligation).

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