Picture of richard healey
by richard healey - Monday, 14 April 2014, 05:23 AM
  Hello can someone please explain the difference between
διψαω and διψασμενος the second is obviously the adjective describing what I am ειμαι διψασμενος I am thirsty , but how do you use the verb διψαω ?
Picture of Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets
Re: διψαω
by Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets - Monday, 14 April 2014, 10:14 AM
  Simple: διψάω already means "I'm thirsty" (just like πεινάω means "I'm hungry"). You don't need to use the participle, you can simply use the verb as is.

So what's the difference? Basically, none. Διψάω and είμαι διψασμένος mean the same thing. Just use the one you feel more comfortable with. Just remember that Greek people themselves will tend to use the simple verb rather than the construction with είμαι, as it is shorter for exactly the same meaning.
Picture of Nick Savchenko
Re: διψαω
by Nick Savchenko - Monday, 14 April 2014, 10:26 AM
  διψαω means "I experience thirst", "I want to drink". It is used as all other greek verbs like "- Διψάς? Θες να πάμε στο μπαρ για ποτό? - Όχι δεν διψώ τώρα, ευχαριστώ".

Greeks would use "διψω" rather than "είμαι διψασμένος" for expressing the simple need of water/drink. διψασμενος is a participle and can be use in phrases like "ένας διψασμένος άνθρωπος μου ζητούσε νερό" - a thirsty man asked me for a water.
Picture of Blake More
Re: διψαω
by Blake More - Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 01:29 PM

It may be worth pointing out that 'thirst' still exists in English as a verb and as a noun in addition to the adjective 'thirsty.' Sometimes the difference corresponds to a difference in register, one of the main uses probably being liturgical but also academic and intellectual or at least somewhat abstract.

I am thirsty.

I thirst.

He thirsts for justice.

A thirst for beauty motivated her.

Blake More

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