Picture of TImon Rossolimos
Ela pou - can you directly translate this?
by TImon Rossolimos - Thursday, 11 February 2016, 08:14 AM
  I refer to the song by Natasa Theodoridou.

There is a constant line that I just can't grasp...

"Ela pou - I happen to"

I'll post a few sentences and maybe someone can help translate in the correct way...

Έλα που φοβάμαι φοβάμαι
έλα που δεν ξέρω πώς να ησυχάσω
έλα που δεν βλέπω πώς να προχωρήσω
έλα που δεν νιώθω τη να πάρω τη ν’αφήσω
έλα που δεν ξέρω πώς να ξεκολλήσω
έλα που δεν θέλω κάποιον άλλον ν’αγαπήσω

My only assumption could be "It has come to + Verb"

Έλα που φοβάμαι φοβάμαι - It has come to that I am scared

έλα που δεν ξέρω πώς να ησυχάσω - It has come to where I don't know how to calm down

έλα που δεν βλέπω πώς να προχωρήσω - It has come to where I don't see how to progress

έλα που δεν νιώθω τη να πάρω τη ν’αφήσω - It as come to where i feel I don't know what to take and what to leave

έλα που δεν ξέρω πώς να ξεκολλήσω - It has come to how I don't know how to unstick

έλα που δεν θέλω κάποιον άλλον ν’αγαπήσω - It has come to that I don't want anybody else

However, when I asked my gia gia and step mom they told me you cannot translate έλα πού directly to english...

Seems to be one of those idiomatic sentences...

please can someone enlighten me about the sentence "'ελα πού"?

Thank you
Picture of Panagiotis Kosmas
Απάντηση: Ela pou - can you directly translate this?
by Panagiotis Kosmas - Thursday, 11 February 2016, 03:28 PM
  Hi Timon

Indeed, you can non translate it directly in English!
It's idiomatic phrase that we use especially in oral speech!
The meaning is like "that's why"!
The translation "It has come to " seems to be ok also!
Picture of TImon Rossolimos
Re: Απάντηση: Ela pou - can you directly translate this?
by TImon Rossolimos - Saturday, 13 February 2016, 06:24 AM
  Thank you for the reply.
Would you perhaps know where we could find a whole list idioms to learn?

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