Picture of davood hossein
The Athenian Constitution
by davood hossein - Thursday, 24 March 2016, 01:19 AM
  I want to translate The Athenian Constitution into Persian. Therefor I need to understand Greek. Due to this reason I think it is not required to speak Greek fluently. If I am right, is there any better way to learn Greek for this end?
Picture of Nick Savchenko
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by Nick Savchenko - Thursday, 24 March 2016, 06:27 AM
  If you mean the Athenian Constitution by Aristotle, it was originally written in Ancient Greek language which differs way too much from the modern Greek which is taught on this website. Learning modern Greek to understand Aristotle is a waste of time.

Ancient Greek language had rather sophisticated grammar and very rich lexicon and it takes some effort to learn to understand it well enough. You need to have strong motivation therefore - it's easier to take an English translation and translate it to Persian rather than spend at least few months studying the Greek grammar just to translate one single text.
Picture of davood hossein
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by davood hossein - Thursday, 24 March 2016, 07:22 AM
  yes, I mean the Athenian Constitution by Aristotle and I know its translations into English. But you Know a lot of political concepts Aristotle talks about them were not formed in Europe at all and just these differences are exactly very important for me. And existing English translations do not help me. so I need an especial skill to understand some of the particular sentences of the tex. You know, I live in Tehran, and perhaps it is better for me to find a friend who knows ancient Greek and explain my probably questions about some difficulties. I wish someone from your group can help me. Anyway, how can I begin to learn ancient Greek? Tanks a lot Davood Hossein
Picture of Nick Savchenko
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by Nick Savchenko - Thursday, 24 March 2016, 09:29 AM
  I think some people on this site know Ancient Greek and can answer your questions so feel free to ask any specific inquiries you have. But first of all you need to get some textbooks about the language and learn the basics. Unfortunately I can't advise you anything because I studied Ancient Greek using Russian textbooks which likely won't be useful for you. Maybe Greg Brush and other English-speaking members know some good and complete Ancient Greek tutorials in English.

Tehran is a big city so there must be universities where Ancient Greek language is studied and where you can get textbooks in your native language. I think it's worth a try too.
Picture of davood hossein
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by davood hossein - Thursday, 24 March 2016, 12:25 PM
  Dear Savchenko

It is a very excellent opportunity for me to know that you have studied Ancient Greek using Russian textbooks, because I have studied Russian before Islamic Revolution and now I work hard to improve my Russian skills. So I beg you to introduce Russian textbooks for learning Ancient Greek.

Of course, I shall look for English and Persian textbooks for this job.

And, as you said, Tehran is a very big city and everything you look for can find it here. But I have decided to learn Greek just this morning and first I called Greek embassy that is closed dawn due to the Nowruz holidays.

Thanks a lot,
Davood Hossein
Picture of Nick Savchenko
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by Nick Savchenko - Thursday, 24 March 2016, 01:45 PM
  Ok, no problem, here's what I have.

1. Шичалина. Древнегреческий язык.


Provides rather gentle introduction to the grammar of Ancient Greek language of its classical period (i.e. the language that Aristotle spoke), but also has examples from Biblical Greek which might distract you.

2. Соболевский С. И. Древнегреческий язык.


Very in-depth and complete textbook of Ancient Greek grammar and syntax. Focuses on the Classical period language and has a separate chapter about Homer's language. My favorite book.

3. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16829613/greek-reference.pdf

Short but rather complete grammar reference.

4. http://gurin.tomsknet.ru/alphaonline.html - online version of Dvoretsky's ancient greek-russian dictionary.

5. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16829613/anagnostiko%20%28ocr%29.pdf

A book of simple ancient greek texts for reading and translating.
Picture of davood hossein
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by davood hossein - Friday, 25 March 2016, 12:20 PM
  Dear Savchenko

Thank you very much. And it is my email address:

May I have your email? I want to correspond whit you about other issues than Greek, if you would like.

Your sincerely
Davood Hossein
Picture of Nick Savchenko
Re: The Athenian Constitution
by Nick Savchenko - Saturday, 26 March 2016, 08:32 AM
  Hi, my email is nsavch@gmail.com

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