Picture of TImon Rossolimos
Καμιά φορά vs μερικές φορές?
by TImon Rossolimos - Saturday, 3 September 2016, 09:19 AM
  What is the difference between καμιά φορά and μερικές φορές?

I never know when to use the one or the other.
Picture of Greg Brush
Re: Καμιά φορά vs μερικές φορές?
by Greg Brush - Saturday, 3 September 2016, 12:31 PM
  Take a look at this explanation:

Greg Brush
Picture of TImon Rossolimos
Re: Καμιά φορά vs μερικές φορές?
by TImon Rossolimos - Saturday, 3 September 2016, 06:42 PM
  Incredible application. Thank you for this.

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