Picture of Eric W
Question on Chapter 13
by Eric W - Wednesday, 2 May 2018, 12:22 AM
  In Chapter 13 I see the question "Πότε γυρίζεις σπίτι;" made by Ellie in a conversation. Is this construction acceptable? Earlier in the lesson we are taught to say Γυρίζω στο σπίτι.

Here is the context of that:

Ν. You will now listen to Ellie asking Andreas questions about his daily comings and goings. She will use a new question word, πότε -- when? -- πότε. And this raises the number of question words you know to four: τι -- what?, πού -- where?, πόσα -- how many? και πότε -- when?

E. Πότε πηγαίνεις στο γραφείο σου;

Α. Το πρωί.

Ε. Πότε γυρίζεις σπίτι;

Α. Το μεσημέρι.

Picture of Greg Brush
Re: Question on Chapter 13
by Greg Brush - Thursday, 3 May 2018, 12:23 PM
  Yes, this is "acceptable". In colloquial speech and writing the preposition+article is often omitted, especially with verbs indicating or implying motion:
γυρίζω σπιτι. = I'm returning home.
πάω σπίτι. = I'm going home.
επιστρέφω Τουρκία. = I'm going back to Turkey. -or- I'm returning to Turkey.
μένουμε Κύπρο. = We're staying on Cyprus.
πάμε ταξίδι (L23). = Let's go on a trip. -or- Let's take a trip.
πάμε εκδρομή (L46). = Let's go on an outing.
πάει φυλακή. = He's going to jail.

Greg Brush

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