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Lapithos is full with Cyprus tradition and culture. As a leading Cypriot community in economy, and education, Lapithos was also leader in producing silk, cloths, and beautiful decorating cloth items, as well as traditional clothes. All these activities were complemented by Lapithos rich tradition, and were incorporated in the everyday life activities of the people of Lapithos.

Despite the 1974 barbaric Turkish invasion and the terrible disaster and pain that have caused, people of Lapithos, refugees now in their own country, continue to produce these magnificent pieces of culture, and retain their traditions. We all hope that we will go back to Lapithos soon, and be able to celebrate them in our own village.

For us, Greek-Cypriots refugees in our own country, retaining of our culture and traditions is the corner-stone for our survival until we go BACK to our beloved LAPITHOS.

Traditional costumes from Lapithos, Kyrenia, Cyprus. Click to enlarge.

The silk worm is the raw-material for creating silk.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Processing of κουκκούλλια/koukkoullia to produce silk by μεταξάς/ "metaxas" Soteris Hadjittofis from Lapithos.

Click on photo to enlarge.

The μεταξάς/metaxas (silk maker) is the person who boils the κουκκούλλια/ koukkoullia and from them extracts the silk.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Women from Lapithos are working on cloth with joy.

Click on photo to enlarge.

The silk after it was produced was tied up in βρούλλους-vroullous and kept in a dry and save place for future use.

Click on photo to enlarge.

The traditional Αργαλιός/Argalios and other clothing instruments were the primary tools for cloth-making.
Some samples of hand-made cloths from Lapithos.

Click on photo to enlarge.

Silk was used to create all kinds of cloths, like decorating items, to sheets, curtains, traditional costumes, and blankets.
Silk products included these beautiful decorative creations.

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Women from Lapithos preparing the wedding bed.

Click photo to enlarge.

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Last updated:  June 03, 2002 04:14:05 -0700 Pacific Time
